Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Research into shot types and lighting techniques

I did some research on existing music videos on YouTube to try and find some shot types and lighting ideas for our video. We still have a lot of shots to get done and we are re-doing most of the ones we already have, the ones we used for our first rough cut. I used ideas from female singers because they will be more relevant to our video than for example a rock band.
These first two shots have been taken from Leona Lewis’ Run. The entire video has a filter on it and these are two shots that stood out to me.

There are some shot types in Selena Gomez’ Come and Get It which I think we would be able to incorporate into our video effectively. 

Also the lighting in this particular shot really gave me an image of what I was originally imagining out music video to look like. We can very easily get a sunset lighting into our video and we could use it behind Morgan or have it shining onto her as shown here. Both would work well in our video.

Another shot type I got from Bridget Mendler’s Ready or Not is something I think we could find useful in our video is this long/wide shot with a landscape behind. Obviously as our video is more of a rural setting we would have something more green and natural rather than a built up area.

Taylor Swift’s Safe and Sound video has a similar feel to what ours is hopefully going to look like when it’s finished. 

This is the type of shot to what we have been thinking of doing although we didn’t do it on our last filming day because we couldn’t find a suitable pair of shoes or boots.

This ECU in Demi Lovato’s Skyscraper is something we will use in our video. We have tried it but after seeing it in Final Cut we need to remember to get the camera into focus correctly. 

I think we could also use this shot to show Morgan’s feelings of power and freedom towards the end of the video.
I also like this shot of Taylor Swift in her video for 22, we could use a side angle shot like this and have Morgan looking into the camera to add a personal feel to it. 

This research has influenced my creativity because I now have new ideas on shots and lighting techniques to use next time we are able to film.

1 comment:

  1. This is superb Becky - i can see how you are going back to research following your first filming attempt.
